Top Tips For Talking

Children learn to talk just as they learn to run, climb or play football. It doesn’t just happen and some children find it
harder than others.

Around 1 in 10 children have speech and language or communication needs.

This may mean that:

  • Their speech is difficult to understand
  • They struggle to put words together
    They do not know or understand the words being used
  • They are unable to understand instructions
  • They do not know how to listen to others

There are lots of things we can do to help children who are struggling, including 1-1 and small group work in Nursery. We
can assess and monitor children and refer to Speech and Language Therapy if necessary. The sooner they get support
the quicker they catch up.

If you have any concerns please speak to your Keyworker

Bin The Bottle Ditch The Dummy Booklet

Dummies and Talking

Babies like to suck, so dummies can help soothe at bedtime or when your child is tired or cross. But regular and extended use of a dummy can create problems with your child’s speech:

  • Try to wean your child away from dummies, preferably by 12 months.
  • Make a clean break – throw away the dummy over a weekend, or at a time when you have support. Most babies and toddlers will fret for no more than two or three days.
  • Dummies prevent children from babbling – an important step in learning to talk, so only use them at set times, like bedtime.
  • When your child cries he’s trying to tell you something, so try to find out what’s troubling him first, and use the dummy as a last resort.
  • Never dip your child’s dummy into anything sweet. This can cause tooth decay.
  • Remember, learning to talk can be tricky so toddlers need lots of practice. A dummy will discourage your toddler from chatting with you, which she needs to do to develop her language skills.
  • If your toddler is still using a dummy, always ask him to take it out before you talk to each other.

For more help and support please click on the following link:

Bin The Bottle Ditch The Dummy Booklet