Federation of Osborne & Featherstone Nursery Schools Governing Board
Osborne and Featherstone Nursery Schools are both local authority maintained schools and they are ultimately accountable to the Governors and the local authority, Birmingham City Council.
The nurseries are governed by a Federated Governing Board which meets six times a year, once every half term.
The Governing Board also has a half day strategic planning / training day each academic year.
If you would like to know more about our school governors, or are interested in joining the governing board, please contact the school office on 0121 675 1123
We currently have one vacancy for a co-opted governor.

Governor Information and Communications
Governor Interests and Attendance at Meetings – Click here
Governor Visits 2023-24 – Click here
Governor Impact 2023-24 – Click here
End of Year Letter to Parents from Governors – Click here